Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Smart Personal Finance For The College Grad

By Matt & Jon:

The ladies over at Life Before Noon were kind enough to offer the chance to write a guest post for their blog, and we were happy to oblige. As a blog geared toward graduating college students we thought we'd offer up some financial advice from the perspective of young professionals now a few years removed from college life...
If you guys are anything like us, you suffered through college scrimping and saving, squeezing every last ounce out of every dollar you earned. You’ve eaten more bags of Ramen than Tokugawa Mitsukuni and the promise of ‘free food’ has conditioned a response remiscent of Pavlov's Scotch terrier. After all these years of (forced) discipline you’re going to want to live it up a little once you land that first job....
Drop by Life Before Noon to read more, and thanks for the opportunity to contribute!

Smart Personal Finance for the College Grad

1 comment:

The Incredible M said...

Yeah, well, unfortunately money is about a trillion times tighter since I've graduated. Took a year off to teach in Spain, came back, and now there's rent, food, loans, a shit job and I can't seem to break into what I'm looking to break into.

Live a little? My fingers are crossed, and I'm just looking to live.

Still, it's fun I guess. This whole twenty-something crunch.

Anyway, sweet posts. I'll keep reading if you keep writing.